Jeudi : 7h à 12h / 15h à 23h
Legal Notice


(company name) - (Address)

Company; par actions simplified with a capital of (Capital) €

N° registration: (Siren)

Telephone: (Tel) – Email: (Email)

Publishing Director

(Name of responsible) in his capacity; of President of the company; (company name)


OVH - 2 rue Kellermann - BP 80157 - 59053 Roubaix Cedex 1

Telephone: 08 20 32 03 63 – Mail:

Design and creation

Horizon – 12 rue Louis Courtois de Viçose - Porte Sud - 31100 Toulouse

Telephone: 05 34 60 10 83 – Mail:

Update; day

The provisions are updated whenever necessary, in particular to take account of legislative and regulatory developments.
You are therefore invited to regularly check the current version.