Jeudi : 7h à 12h / 15h à 23h

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The hotel is located in front of the SNCF ST ROCH station in Montpellier
By the train
When you come out of the station we are next to the brewery
By freeway
Coming from Nîmes or Béziers, exit 30 "Près d'arènes", follow the avenue de Palavas and then take the direction of the station.
By Plane
From Montpellier International Airport take the 15 minutes cab cost between 25 and 35 € or Airport Shuttle - Place de l'Europe then streetcar line 1 direction Mosson stop GARES ST ROCH at 100 meters 40 minutes when you get off the streetcar the station in front of you we are on the right side brewery.
By streetcar
The 4 lines are at 1 minute with foot similar for the lines of bus. When you get off the streetcar the station in front of you we are on the right side of the brewery.

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Our schedules Hotel St Roch Montpellier Centre Gare :
Lundi :
7h à 12h / 15h à 23h
Mardi :
7h à 12h / 15h à 23h
Mercredi :
7h à 12h / 15h à 23h
Jeudi :
7h à 12h / 15h à 23h
Vendredi :
7h à 12h / 15h à 23h
Samedi :
7h à 12h / 15h à 23h
Dimanche :
7h à 12h / 15h à 23h